Tuesday, August 29, 2006


ok, so the pre-ordered is gone coz it's Like line up on the net and we ordered for all the customers who come to us, it's LOT OF PEOPLE trust me, but u know what, here is the last chance, the last MEDIUM and LARGE, LAST, one of each left, (s and XL is gone....) so take your chance tell your friends, coz it's the last one.


here is another crossover with UNDERCOVER, the ISETAN shopping department store... we have seen the Burger with eyes, and then now some historic paintings with eyes, nose...mouth....only one organ is cool! thas the way Jun did it!

images : Jun Takahashi @ honeyee

BXH KAWS-Kun ?!!

KAWS head is off! ok, so finally our mr.KAWS has back! like seriously, im not really into those cross-eye tees, (i really like and respect kaws, so im not offened, im just telling what i think, right) i like the cross-eyes and its just too much on toes, and goddess and like teeth or whatever it's just too much because it has to be that much to make tees for all the stores...but anyways..here it's a BXH KAWS-Kun, what is that? it's KAWS brian head drop off.....very cool, and creative shits after awhile, we wll see, and brian learned photo taking too, nice photos!

the white one is limtied to 200 pieces and ONLY for sale in original-fake store in japan, the black one, ofcoz, only for sale in BXH, so...we willsee ....

images : KAWS-BLOG


so, our mr. KAWS Brian san has started his own blog too, well it's through the coolest blog on earth - HONEYEE, so check it out, and you will see FIRST HAND report before all theblogs like us...

images : KAWSBLOG